Qi Gong

“Having studied Qigong and the Healing Sounds Meditation with Sibylla I can say, with my hand over my heart, that this remarkable woman holds point for the Cosmos above and the Earth below. With kindness, patience and many qi smiles she shows her students how to do this marvellous stuff!  My connection with life is deepening through Qigong.” Susan H.
Qi Gong is an ancient form of moving meditation to awaken the Qi life force and to bring harmony to the organs and all their vital systems. Some of the practices also involve conscious breathing, visualization, healing sounds and meditation
There are countless benefits of Qi Gong. If practiced regularly and the “right” intentions Qi Gong, which means translated something like “the harnessing and cultivation of qi life force energy”, can improve the physical, mental and emotional  wellbeing of all vital organs and their vital systems. As the mind guides the Qi (energy), with a positive mind one can transform any negativity into pure life force. Through certain meditations that focus on the the emotional intelligence in the organs, one can “love” them back to balance. Physical pain, which is only a form of stagnate Qi, can be shifted or even expelled.
Who can learn Qi Gong?
Everybody. It is easy to learn and most movements can be achieved by almost anybody – children love the simplicity and imagination (visualisation) part of Qi Gong. It can be practiced standing, sitting or even lying down. As long as one can breathe, one can do Qi Gong.
Curious to find out more? Ask Sibylla  for Qi Gong tuition and special detox healing packages.

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